

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Justin Tomlinson The Latest Minister for Disabled People???

David Cameron shows exactly what he thinks of disabled people with the appointment of Justin Tomlinson as the latest Minister for Disabled People.

Tomlinson isn't the man to fight for disabled people, hell his voting record shows he has a dislike of disabled people, the nastiest little example of this politician being

Justin Tomlinson voted not to make an exception for those with a cancer diagnosis or undergoing cancer treatment from the 365 day limit on receiving contribution based Employment and Support Allowance.

How can anyone who has any knowledge of disability allow Tomlinson to be "Minister for Disabled People"? "Against Disabled People" maybe. He has shown himself to be a good little foot soldier for a Prime Minister who seems to be so jealous other disabled people are living that he has to make their lives even worse that when leader of a coalition government.

How can you place a politician to look after the interests of disabled when his voting record shows things such as

Justin Tomlinson voted not to halt further spending and welfare cuts and not to investigate the impact of austerity measures on the incidence of poverty and inequality.

David Cameron has made a very  callous appointment in Tomlinson, one that should make all disabled people and carers ask "why did you give him this brief?"

I suggest as many disabled people and carers get in touch with him via their own MP to demand a meeting with him.

The Tories might have won the general election  but they have no rights to inflict this person on them.