After seeing that many Maximus Assessment centres see to be difficult to access for people with disabilities by using this link and following up by using Google Maps to see the buildings and surrounding areas I sent the DWP a Freedom of Information's Act request, this is the reply-
You asked:
‘Could you please tell me
1 - The exact number of Maximus assessment centres in the UK.
2 - How many do not have disabled access.
3- How many centres have designated parking.
4 - How many are located on the ground floor.’
In response to your questions:
1, The Centre for Health and Disability Centre (CHDA) has 141 Assessment Centres in the UK.
2, Please can you provide clarification of the information you wish to receive since the definition disabled access covers a broad spectrum of conditions and associated adjustments.
Please note that if I do not receive appropriate clarification of your information requirements within three months from the date of this letter, then I will consider your request closed.
3, 42 Assessment Centres have on-site parking.
4, 110 Assessment Centres are located on the ground floor. In cases where a centre is not based on the ground floor CHDA can offer an assessment at an alternative centre or arrange a home visit.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
DWP Central FoI Team
Regarding question two, I'd have thought disabled access would be obvious, wheelchair access, ramps for people with mobility issues, hand rails, automatic doors, disabled toilets, is it really that difficult for the DWP to work out?
141 assessment centres but only two have "on site parking", no clarification if there are disabled bays or if it's a free-for-all where you have to hope there is a place. If that is the case then what about getting in and out of parking spaces if someone needs to get a wheelchair out?
Also it seems that 31 assessment centres are above ground floor, no clarification as to if there are lifts in those buildings or not or indeed if any have the assessments above the second floor.
Seems there needs to be a follow up to this FoI but what does strike me is that there seems to be no indication that the Maximus will be any better than Atos.
Seems their "Head of Customer Experience" the traitorous Sue (donate money to me now) Marsh is doing an absolutely spiffing job though