I've always said that being "reasonable" gets you no where when it comes to dealing with the likes of Daily Mail/Sun/Torygraph readers, the sort of people that say in the comment section of articles that "there's loads of fraud in disability benefits, we all know someone who cheats the system".
As I said many years ago you have to be proactive against these internet idiots, put the facts in front of them, if they get stroppy then get stroppier. Make these people realise that disabled people and carers are ready to fight back. Hell, take on Katie Price if you feel like it. If you can make these people realise that their bullshit will be called out and virtually slapped around till they either accept they are wrong or block you.
After some idiot decided to say there are many who defraud disability benefits by "needlessly" claiming them (*cough-multi millionaire David and Sam Cameron-cough*) for their child that had ADHD was forced to face facts and after exchanging insults, anger and foul language they decided to call me a bully and block me.
That's great, maybe next time @claytonrogers18 on Twitter decides to attack disabled people because of their ignorance or bigotry they will think twice.
There morons have to be faced down, disabled people and carers cannot allow their misinformation to go unchallenged. If anyone is struggling with a tory troll then give me a call @ukcarers
Be as "unreasonable" as you possibly can, being reasonable does nothing