Well I got my reply from the DWP for a meeting with the Minister for Disabled People requesting a meeting regarding the removal of Carers Allowance for up to 50% of carers, the reply should come as a surprise to no one
Dear Mr Arnold
Thank you for your email of 12 May to the Minister for Disabled People about Carer’s Allowance. Government Ministers receive a large volume of correspondence and they are unable to reply personally on every occasion. I have been asked to respond.
The Government recognises and applauds the enormous effort and commitment of those who have the responsibility of caring for others. However, I am sure you will appreciate that owing to his commitments, the Minister will be unable to meet with you.
As you know, Carer's Allowance is a non-contributory benefit available to people who have given up the opportunity of full-time paid employment in order to provide substantial care, of at least 35 hours a week, to a severely disabled person. The person being cared for must be receiving either the highest or middle rate of the Disability Living Allowance care component, Attendance Allowance, Constant Attendance Allowance at the appropriate rate, the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment or Armed Forces Independence Payment. In addition, recipients may qualify for higher rates of Pension Credit and of income-related benefits like Income Support or Housing Benefit.
All Governments keep the benefit system under continual review, but there are no plans to remove support for carers.
Yours sincerely
John Herron
This is a 'par for the course' reply when asking to meet a Minister, also the usual patronising platitude is rolled out to attempt to placate any carer that contacts them. After 20 years that don't work! I was getting the same replies from Labour last time they were in power.
I've emailed back saying I don't accept their refusal to arrange a meeting and would travel anywhere even for a couple of minutes to speak to the guy who voted to take away vital financial support for disabled children. Hell I even said I'd accept a meeting via Skype to get to talk to this Minister.
If politicians from any political party decide to attack disabled people and carers at least they could be brave enough to face the people whose lives they are going to decimate. I'm ready, I'm here, talk to me Tomlinson, I've no fear of you why do you fear a humble carer?
Anyone media sources want to help make this happen? Anyone want to join in a Skype meeting with Justin Tomlinson? How about anyone else from IDS's department? It's time to fight, no one else will speak for us effectively so it's time to get out of your comfort zones and get in their faces