

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Morning Star Thanks As Usual & Caroline Flint

It seems the only newspaper that is constantly interested in highlighting the plight of disabled people and carers is the Morning Star.

Once again this excellent newspaper allowed me to do a piece about Conservative attacks on disabled people and their unwillingness to meet with carers or disabled people.
The article I mentioned is about Justin Tomlinson and David Cameron voting against giving disabled people an income that didn't mean they had to endure poverty. Being able to heat their homes, eat decent food and not have to have the added worry about getting a referral to a food bank, not worry about bills. This isn't "welfare dependency" this is about lessening the effects of living a life with a disability for Gods sake!

Labour still haven't learnt that an opposition "opposes" attacks on disabled people and the poorer in society not supports cuts to benefits. Another good example would be Caroline Flint who said that Labour should be comfortable giving those it thought were choosing to live on benefits a “kick up the backside”.

This shows that Labour haven't moved from being "Tory-lite" and will be destined to stay in opposition for years.
Also those who haven't chosen to "live on benefits" but have no choice but to exist on benefits for one reason or another will continue to be the targets of millionaire out-of-touch politicians.
Lets add an honorary mention of Iain Duncan Smith's plans to plunge 40,000 children into poverty
Disabled people and those that cannot find work need to fear the Tories, even if those "Tories" are Labour politicians like Ms Flint who seems to have failed to research why Labour came into being. There could always be the alternative of the Lib Dems led by Tim Farron, the politician who opposes the Tories bedroom tax so much that he voted in favour of it almost every single time.