

Monday 5 January 2009

The Protest Draws Near

Well that's the holidays out of the way so now we can get back to some proper work.

Right, now the Carers Poverty Protest Groups little 'charity-led' event draws closer and their latest newsletter has been posted HERE Now I would personally say to ANY Carer to avoid this group like the plague. Why? It's well-known that one of their self-appointed committee members has committed forgery as can be seen here

He admitted he had done this on his hate site (what is now a closed forum). Since doing this he has also issued a death threat on to a gentleman on a national charity forum. He has attacked other Carers also.

I have been stalked by this person for over 3 years now. He has been warned by the police about his behaviour but still carries on.

As 'stalkers' go this is a pretty nasty one and yet some group what knows his past and present antics are defending him and even have the temerity to place him in a position where he will have contact with vulnerable Carers that don't know exactly how this person behaves!

This is not a trustworthy group. It claimed to set out to unify the online Carer groups. It has caused greater divisions. There are abusive phone calls being made to Carers, forgery, identity theft, threats of actual violence, marriage wrecking, how can the media take Carers seriously when this sort of thing is being done AND defended? Is some cases actually encouraged.

I urge any and every Carer to avoid this group as they will put Carers at risk. I myself have had obscene material posted to my home by a member of this group. I will of course be following closely whoever this group contacts and following up letting them know what this group are really like. I have already let some Carers organisations know about them, they have removed any mention of them from their newsletters and advised the Carers that have expressed an interest to be extremely cautious of them.

I'd go a lot further and tell them to avoid the Carers Protest Group completely because they are a danger to all decent Carers online and offline.