

Friday, 26 June 2015

Iain Duncan Smith, Doofus?

When you think that Iain Duncan Smith cannot say anything more stupid he stoops to new lows. IDS welcomes food banks it seems, even though his boss David 'we're all in this together...honest' Cameron has said otherwise

of course Cameron was leader of the opposition when he hated hearing that people had to have food parcels. Now he uses those food parcels to subsidise benefits they seem like a jolly good idea!

You have to admit that IDS has form when it comes to making stupid comments, one being

"My Catholic background has certainly affected the way I view life and it has become integral to everything I do. It has given me a belief in things like structure, marriage, family, compassion for the poor, the importance of community",

seems his belief is to destroy all those things and make sure people know they are poor and to put the boot in as often as possible.

Many people think he is stupid, an American version being a 'Doofus' and the description sums up Duncan Smith to a tea

"a clueless person, most always lacking even the most basic social skills. a doofus often thinks they are a bit smarter then everyone else.
A doofus views defeating a 6 year old at a game of tic tac toe as an accomplishment to be bragged about. A doofus does not understand why you are not fairly impressed by this"

though I prefer to think of him as the worst sort of Tory, a vile piece of shit that enjoys the distress he causes to others as can be heard here.

And to think that IDS founded the Centre For Social Justice, I'll tell you what, there ain't no justice if you ain't a millionaire.